Holly's Tacky Christmas Lights

1620 S Quincy, Arlington
Rating counts are reset yearly on Thankgiving weekend



Map No: 60   Link to Google Map
Address: 1620 S Quincy, Arlington,Va 22204
Description: On Dec 6 thru New Years, 5:30-11p. Rain may trip lights.
Please sit in sled in driveway for photo op.
You just might get a postcard replay, if you include your return address with your Letter to Santa.
Hung 60ft high in a tree, a 4-story tall star with multicolored trails caught my eye. Lights decorate all sides and cover the roof. Home next to a park with a Tiki in the front yard, a peeing reindeer. A large poinsettia flower is hung on the side of the house at the roof peak. The roof is outlined with white icicle lights. Many bushes, each wrapped in a different colored light.

Current Ratings for Display
Classy3 30
Easy on the Eyes1 10
Regurgitated Christmas1 10
Seen from Space1 10
Holy Moly!!!5 50

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