Holly's Tacky Christmas LightsHonorable Mentions (HM) |
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Holly's Tacky Lights on FaceBook. GREEN BACKGROUND = VERIFIED LIGHTS ON -- CLICK ON PHOTO FOR MORE -- List Ordered by CITY LEGEND: - Lights Animated to Music and radio channel - OFF for Rain/Wind - No Contact Information |
LEGEND: - Lights Animated to Music and radio channel - OFF for Rain/Wind - No Contact Information
RATINGS: - 5 Stars (The Best) - 4 Stars (Almost Best) - 3 Stars (Honorable Mention)
Tacky Businesses
Displays I Have
11416 Delsignore Dr , Fairfax "We were inspired last year to open up our porch for visitors. Most nights til 8 or 9 but have some life happenings that we may need to close it at 7:00." Photos |
If you see other "comparable" local displays you would recommend,
please email me at hollyween@hotmail.com
with the address and photos,
so I can check it out and add it to the list.
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