Holly's Tacky Christmas Lights

13601 Brass Harness Ct, Herndon
Rating counts are reset yearly on Thankgiving weekend



Map No: 63   Link to Google Map   96.1FM
Address: 13601 Brass Harness Ct, Herndon,Va 20171
Description: On Dec 3 - Jan 7, 5-9pm daily, -10pm F/Sa. Off for wind/rain.
LAST YEAR to see Flintwood Holiday Lights. Moving to Colorado.
Please turn off headlights, keep radio volume low, and don't block our neighbors' driveways.
Two houses working together to put on a large light show that is coordinated with Xmas music that you can listen to in your car or on speakers. The lights and figurines dance and sing to the music. They have wrapped the light-poles with red and white rope lights. Several neighborhood homes are decorated nearby.
Collecting donations for animal rescue and anti-poaching efforts. (Venmo to @FlintwoodLights.)
There is parking 1/2 block away at Flintwood Middle School.
Visit his FB page and Website.
He also does a great animated Halloween show.

Current Ratings for Display
Classy1 10
Easy on the Eyes1 10
Regurgitated Christmas1 10
Seen from Space1 10
Holy Moly!!!1 10

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