Holly's Tacky Christmas Lights

7815 Birnam Wood Dr, McLean
Rating counts are reset yearly on Thankgiving weekend



Map No: 36   Link to Google Map
Address: 7815 Birnam Wood Dr, McLean,Va 22102
Description: On Dec 13 - Jan 1, 6-9p wkdays, -10p wkends, Off in rain, wind.
A glowing, multicolored striped house with an ever change yard full of unique inflatables.
Mother and Son decorating effort. Multicolored lights cover the entire front of the house. Roof outlined with white icicle lights. Two giant multicolored trees and unique inflatables cover the front yard.
Son now lives in Ashburn and does an incredible display at 21260 Rosetta Place.

Current Ratings for Display
Classy6 60
Easy on the Eyes1 10
Regurgitated Christmas1 10
Seen from Space2 20
Holy Moly!!!2 20

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