Holly's Tacky Christmas Lights

1713 N Quebec St, Arlington
Rating counts are reset yearly on Thankgiving weekend



Map No: 8   Link to Google Map
Address: 1713 N Quebec St, Arlington,Va 22207
Description: On Thanksgiving weekend thru Epiphany. The well known 100+ year old "Christmas House" has been decorating for over 30 years. A small yard jam-packed full of lights, inflatables and vintage lighted figures (blow molds) set up in various displays.
Yard areas include a nativity, a North and South Pole, and a display house with animated figures and toys.
I like the large smoking Thomas the Tank Engine, all the multicolored lights on everything and the slew of Santa figures that he arranges special each year.
2022-Frostys vs Santas in Hockey
2021-Warming by the Yule Log
2020-Thankful for a new president
2019-Stop Global Warming.
2018-Northpole Snow Patrol

Current Ratings for Display
Classy5 50
Easy on the Eyes1 10
Regurgitated Christmas1 10
Seen from Space1 10
Holy Moly!!!1 10

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