Holly's Tacky Christmas Lights

6226 Stonehunt Pl, Clifton
Rating counts are reset yearly on Thankgiving weekend



Map No: 19   Link to Google Map
Address: 6226 Stonehunt Pl, Clifton,Va 20124
Description: A mass of multicolored lights. These lights took my breath away. These photos don't begin to show the true volume of lights, it's blinding!! I've never seen so many light strings going in so many directions. Reminds me of a spider web. You've got to see this to believe it.
Also check out 13703 Stonehunt Ct, behind this great display.

Current Ratings for Display
Classy1 10
Easy on the Eyes1 10
Regurgitated Christmas1 10
Seen from Space1 10
Holy Moly!!!1 10

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